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Bram Rialdi Siregar
Erik Saut H. Hutahaean
Adi Fahrudin
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that is carried out through the use of the internet. Cyberbullying has occurred a lot among teenagers, including in the world of education. The impact of cyberbullying is to reduce the emotional well-being of the victim. Emotional resilience is an essential factor in preventing the prolonged effects of cyberbullying. This study intends to analyze the emotional resilience of adolescent victims of cyberbullying. A total of 115 junior high school students aged 12-16 years who were victims of cyberbullying were involved in filling out a research questionnaire on an emotional resilience scale, The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The collected data were analyzed using correlation and regression statistical techniques. Emotional resilience is successful in helping cyberbullying victims find life satisfaction. Teenage victims of cyberbullying can maintain self-comfort through emotional resilience.
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