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This research presents in-depth observations about the development and implementation of innovative platforms for developing teacher competencies that involve technological features. These platforms embody a revolutionary step in improving teacher training, creating a secure, transparent and decentralized approach to maintaining continuous competency development records. Using these platforms ensures immutable record-keeping and instills credibility in teacher career progression, empowering educators through direct ownership of their professional development achievements. Through the innovative intersection of technology and education, these platforms show potential in reshaping and enriching competency development strategies for teachers, thereby raising educational standards and practices more holistically. The aim of this research is to determine the increase in teacher competence through technology. The research method used in this research is a qualitative approach, using descriptive study methods. As a result, these platforms greatly influence teachers' learning methods, both in the form of flexible performance online and offline. In conclusion, these technology platforms guarantee and improve teacher competence as teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiah Fajrul Hidayah Batujai Village.
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