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The library plays a crucial role in education, especially at the primary level, such as State Elementary Schools (SDN). SDN 23 Ampenan, as one of the SDNs in the area, is committed to enhancing access and the quality of education. One of their efforts is through the use of a simple library application for school library management. Library applications have become valuable tools in managing and providing access to information resources, especially in the digital age. This application simplifies searching, maintaining the collection, and interacting with library users. This research delves into the role of the simple library application in SDN 23 Ampenan, from implementation to its impact on the management of school information resources. The research results indicate that the simple library application improves information access for students, assists in book inventory management, streamlines the book borrowing process, and supports learning. However, challenges such as technical issues and training need to be addressed. Integrating this application into library services is a crucial step, including collaboration with IT staff, training, and ongoing maintenance. Despite these challenges, the simple library application plays a significant role in enhancing digital literacy for users in the library environment, helping them navigate the ever-evolving digital world.
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