SIWAYANG Journal: Publikasi Ilmiah Bidang Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, dan Antropologi <p><strong>SIWAYANG JOURNAL</strong> merupakan Jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan artikel bidang Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, dan Antropologi yang diterbitkan setiap 4 kali dalam satu tahun oleh Penerbit Lafadz Jaya.</p> <p><strong>SIWAYANG JOURNAL</strong> menerima naskah hasil penelitian dan hasil kajian yang memunculkan gagasan-gagasan ilmiah dan aktual di bidang Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, dan Antropologi.</p> <p>Kami menerima dan mengundang semua masyarakat ilmiah baik dosen, peneliti, praktisi, guru maupun mahasiswa untuk mengirim naskah ilmiahnya dengan klik <a href=""><strong>SUBMIT ARTIKEL</strong></a></p> <p> </p> en-US (Dr. I Made Darsana, SE., MM.) (Usman Jayadi) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 SASTRA LISAN RITUAL MA’BUGI’ DALAM ACARA MANGRARA TONGKONAN DI DESA PANGLEON LEMBANG TO’PAO KABUPATEN TANA TORAJA <p>The aim of this research is to describe the oral literature of the Ma'bugi' ritual in the Tongkonan mangrara event in Pangleon Lembang To'pao village, Tana Toraja district, including: 1) the form of poetry which is a symbol of joy for families celebrating thanksgiving. 2) What values are contained in Ma'bugi' as a joyous event for the Toraja people. 3) Implementation of literature learning in the Rambu' Tuka' ceremony. The research method used is descriptive method. The data sources used in this research were informants or perpetrators of the Ma'bugi' ceremony consisting of two people, one community figure, two religious figures and other written sources. The results of the research explain that in the Oral Literature Ma'bugi' Ritual at the Mangrara Tongkonan event in Pangleon Lembang To'pao Village, Tana Toraja Regency, it is a tradition for the Toraja people to be grateful for their families who have succeeded by reciting oral literature in the form of poetry during Ma' bugi'. The poems on Pa'bugiran are literature that can only be sung by certain groups of people. In the Ma'bugi' poetry there are rituals that describe the joy of a successful family, family strata, as well as happy greetings to Puang Matua/God regarding a family's achievements. Ma'bugi' oral literature is never free from symbols because: 1. Ma'bugi' poetry is a symbol of joy for people who give thanksgiving. Ma'bugi' oral literature depicts a symbol of happiness/joy for families who experienced success at that time. 2. Oral literature in Ma'bugi' is poetry that is always closely related to rituals as symbols in the Rambu Tuka' ceremony and is an important part of the ceremony. 3. Ma'bugi' poems are a special symbol in the Rambu Tuka' ceremony, especially in identifying the caste of the family.</p> Jodi Dawa, Santje Iroth, Elvie A. Sepang Copyright (c) 2024 Jodi Dawa, Santje Iroth, Elvie A. Sepang Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KITAB KUNING DAN TRADISINYA DI INDONESIA <p>This article was created with the aim of knowing the history of the yellow book and its traditions in Indonesia, especially in Islamic boarding schools. This yellow book is a book that has yellow paper written in Arabic and is a book that revolves around Islamic knowledge, both sharia and non-sharia. This research was carried out by collecting data from the library as a reference source. The research results show that the yellow book has a long historical record in Indonesia, especially in Islamic boarding schools. Although there is no certainty regarding the history of the yellow book being used as a reference in studying knowledge in Islam, the yellow book has become a curriculum in Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The yellow book is used as the main teaching material in teaching various Islamic disciplines such as fiqh, monotheism, tafsir, hadith, and Sufism, as well as tool sciences such as nahwu and shorof. Apart from that, the yellow book also reflects a strong Islamic identity and is a symbol of Islamic intellectual heritage in the archipelago. With the yellow book, Islamic scientific traditions in Islamic boarding schools can be preserved and developed from generation to generation. This research also found that the yellow book has an important role in forming the character and knowledge of students in Islamic boarding schools.</p> Muhammad Fajar Alfinur Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fajar Alfinur Sun, 04 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN SASTRA ARAB DALAM PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA DAN AGAMA ISLAM: DARI MASA PRA-ISLAM HINGGA ERA MODERN <p>This article explores the role of Arabic literature in the development of Islamic culture and religion, from the pre-Islamic era to the modern age. Through the analysis of various Arabic literary works, this article reveals how Arabic literature has served as a crucial medium for disseminating Islamic teachings and shaping the religious identity of Muslims across the world. Arabic literature functions not only as an aesthetic expression but also as a tool to preserve and strengthen Islamic values in the face of modernity's challenges. The article also discusses the influence of Arabic literature in regions such as Andalusia, Persia, and Southeast Asia, and how this literature has adapted to social and cultural changes without losing its inherent Islamic identity.</p> Niko Rifana Copyright (c) 2024 Niko Rifana Wed, 14 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000