SIBATIK JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Teknologi, Dan Pendidikan 2024-06-14T16:39:09+00:00 Usman Jayadi Open Journal Systems <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">SIBATIK JOURNAL|E-ISSN: </span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">2809-8544</span></a></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> is a popular scientific journal in the fields of Social, Economics, Culture, Technology, and Education which is published every month.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">SIBATIK JOURNAL</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> accepts manuscripts of research results and study results that bring up scientific and actual ideas in the fields of Social, Political, Law, Economics, Culture, Technology, and Education both in <strong>Indonesian</strong> and <strong>English</strong>.</span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">We welcome and invite all scientific communities, both lecturers, researchers, practitioners, teachers and students to send their scientific manuscripts according to the focus and scope of the journal.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">SIBATIK JOURNAL</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> indexed <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EBSCO</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CABI</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MIAR</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ROAD</a></strong></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><strong>Download Journal Template: <a href=";ouid=102836341287124625237&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ENGLISH</a> | <a href=";ouid=102836341287124625237&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">INDONESIA</a></strong></span></p> <p><iframe class="preview" src="" width="100%" height="360px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0px" marginheight="0px" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> THE INFLUENCE OF WORK MOTIVATION, WORK DISCIPLINE, JOB SATISFACTION, AND WORK SPIRIT ON EMPLOYEE OF PERFORMANCE PT. ALFABIYA MITRA UTAMA BANJARMASIN 2024-05-16T04:03:49+00:00 Ahmad Saifullah Titien Agustina Syamsuddinnor Syamsuddinnor Dodik Jatmika <p>Employee performance is the core of human resource management. Employee performance is influenced by work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction, and work spirit. Research into the influence of Work Motivation, Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction, and Work Spirit of PT Alfabiya Mitra Utama Banjarmasin employees needs to be carried out to determine their influence on employee performance. This research uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research. The research population consisted of 40 employees of PT Alfabiya Mitra Utama Banjarmasin. The sampling technique uses saturated or total samples. Data collection uses a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research regression analysis show that the F table value in df 4 and df 32 in the F table is 0.12 with a significance of 0.000. The calculated F value reached 245.352. work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction, and work spirit for the performance PT Alfabiya Mitra Utama Banjarmasin employees are simultaneously accepted because F count &gt; F table and the significance is 0.000 &lt;0.05. Work motivation influences employee performance because the significance is 0.019&lt;0.05. Work discipline influences employee performance because the significance is 0.036&lt;0.05. Job satisfaction influences employee performance because the significance is 0.033 &lt;0.05. Job satisfaction influences performance because the significance is 0.000&lt;0.05. Work motivation has a dominant influence on performance. So work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction, and work spirit influence the performance of PT Alfabiya Mitra Utama Banjarmasin employees partially and simultaneously.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Saifullah, Titien Agustina, Syamsuddinnor, Dodik Jatmika THE INFLUENCE OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 2024-05-17T16:57:12+00:00 Annisa Annisa Sindy Apriani Kartono Kartono <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of employee engagement and organizational culture on employee performance. The object of this research is the Cirebon City Regional Secretariat office. Data obtained through surveys by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is saturated sampling analysis, namely with a population of 122 employees and a sample of 72 employees. And the data was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 24 for window. The research results show that Employee Engagement has a significant influence on Employee Performance. Organizational culture has a significant influence on employee performance. And there is an influence on Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa, Sindy Apriani, Kartono THE CONSUMERS’ MORTGAGE PLAN: BASIS IN DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC FINANCIAL PROGRAM 2024-05-22T23:29:22+00:00 Dale-Lorenz D. Magtulis Leonora T. Malibiran Jay A. Sario <p>The objective of this study is to delve into the intricacies of consumers' mortgage plans and their pivotal role in the formulation of a strategic financial program. Given that homeownership stands as a significant milestone for individuals, a profound understanding of the dynamics of mortgage plans is indispensable for financial planners and policymakers alike. This research endeavors to unravel the key elements contributing to the development of an effective and strategic financial program centered around mortgage planning. The primary research questions guiding this study encompass the demographic profile of the respondents, an exploration of the factors influencing the extent of consumers' engagement, an assessment of the perceived effectiveness in developing a strategic financial program, and the proposition of a model for the development of such a program. Additionally, the study aims to discern patterns in consumers' decision-making regarding mortgages and to what extent these decisions align with the effectiveness of the strategic financial program. Through a comprehensive analysis of mortgage plans and consumer behavior, the study has revealed several key findings. It underscores the critical role played by dimensions such as Education on the Mortgage Planning Process, Credit Score Management, Mortgage Selection, Budget Determination, Risk Management, and Varying Economic Conditions on Mortgage Selection in shaping mortgage affordability. The research highlights the necessity for tailored financial strategic programs that align with individual preferences and long-term financial objectives. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of financial literacy and awareness in empowering consumers to make informed decisions about their mortgage plans. In conclusion, this study emerges as a valuable resource for financial professionals, policymakers, and individuals navigating the complex landscape of mortgage planning. By comprehending the nuances of consumers' mortgage choices, stakeholders can formulate targeted strategies to enhance financial well-being and promote sustainable homeownership.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dale-Lorenz D. Magtulis, Leonora T. Malibiran, Jay A. Sario EFFICIENCY OF QR CODE IMPLEMENTATION IN RELATION TO SKILLS ALIGNMENT IN SELECTED INDONESIAN ENTERPRISES TOWARD A PROPOSED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND MODEL 2024-05-23T03:26:11+00:00 Angelito Magbato Ebora Richard Oliver F. Cortez Jay A. Sario <p>QR codes, with their multidimensional data storage and widespread mobile usage, have become crucial in modern commerce, streamlining transactions and improving user experiences. Despite their benefits, challenges like data security threats persist, necessitating a balanced approach. The study aims to explore QR code implementation efficiency, particularly in skills training, within Indonesian enterprises, addressing a literature gap on this specific context and QR code integration into training. The study's primary objectives include investigating the adoption and impact of QR code technology within select Indonesian companies. It seeks to understand participants' demographic profiles, assess QR code implementation efficiency across various operational aspects, explore demographic differences in perceived efficiency, evaluate the alignment of skills training with QR code utilization, and establish any significant relationship between QR code implementation efficiency and skills training alignment among participants. The study sought standardized information on QR code adoption, utilizing surveys for varied perspectives. The study finds that Indonesian employees are mainly young, with 70.3% under 30, indicating potential openness to QR code technology. Despite a balanced gender distribution, mostly non- managerial roles are held by respondents (76.6%). Efficiency ratings across sectors (composite means: 3.89 to 4.16) highlight QR codes' effectiveness. Demographics like age, gender, and education don't significantly affect QR code perceptions. While QR-related skills training alignment is generally rated adequately (composite mean: 3.62), variability suggests areas for improvement. The study highlights a youthful demographic among Indonesian employees, indicating potential openness to QR code technology adoption. Despite balanced gender distribution, non-managerial roles are predominant. Efficiency ratings across operational sectors show QR codes' perceived effectiveness in boosting productivity. Demographic factors like age, gender, and education don't significantly affect perceptions of QR code efficiency, suggesting widespread acceptance. However, while QR-related skills training alignment is generally rated adequate, variability suggests room for improvement in ensuring effective skill development for optimal QR code utilization.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Angelito Magbato Ebora, Richard Oliver F. Cortez, Jay A. Sario RESILIENCE PATTERNS OF FARMERS AFTER THE ERUPTION OF MOUNT SINABUNG IN KUTARAYAT VILLAGE, NAMAN TERAN SUB-DISTRICT, KARO REGENCY 2024-05-31T17:26:30+00:00 Sinarisa Br Sitepu Badaruddin Badaruddin Henri Sitorus Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe Henry Sitorus <p>The community in Kutarayat Village has been the victim of the eruption of Mount Sinabung for years, from the first eruption that occurred in 2010 until 2021. During this vulnerable period, the people of Kutarayat Village had to evacuate several times. The majority of the community's livelihoods are as farmers, making it a significant challenge for those affected by the eruption of Mount Sinabung. Therefore, this research aims to understand how farmers perceive the eruption of Mount Sinabung, as well as the socio-economic efforts they have made after the cruption, and to identify the resilience patterns that have emerged post-eruption. The research method used in this study is qualitative and conducted in Kutarayat Village, Naman Teran District, Karo Regency. Data collection techniques include observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The results of the study found that, generally, farmers perceive the eruption of Mount Sinabung from two perspectives: positive and negative. The economic resilience efforts made by farmers include meeting family needs while evacuating, cleaning, and repairing agricultural land post-eruption, ensuring water supply for agriculture, and utilizing volcanic mud. There are three patterns of economic resilience among farmers in Kutarayat Village: first, economic resilience pattern with the same livelihood, second, economic resilience pattern by adding or changing the main livelihood, and third, economic resilience pattern by renting agricultural land in other villages.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sinarisa Br Sitepu, Badaruddin, Henri Sitorus, Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe, Henry Sitorus IDENTITAS VISUAL DALAM LOGO GOJEK SOLV 2024-05-28T14:11:24+00:00 Cindy Meylina Muhammad Nuruzzaman Aghnia Dian Lestari <p>The introduction of a company in appearance or form that has its own characteristics through visual identity, one of which is a logo. The logo is studied as an object, representation, and interpretation of the values, services, and commitments that the company has to its customers. This research analyzes the meaning contained in the Gojek SOLV logo as a form of visual identity using Charles Sander Pierce's semiotic approach with descriptive qualitative research methods. Through in-depth analysis of the visual elements contained in the logo, such as magnifying glass, map pin, power button, and embracing shape, as well as research on color and font selection, this research explores the messages contained in the logo. The research findings show that the Gojek SOLV logo is not only a symbol of visual identity, but also a reflection of the representation of Gojek's dedication, values, and vision as well as in the interpretation of empowering, supporting, and providing a sense of security while traveling. This research provides an understanding of the importance of logo design in the context of corporate visual communication and how a logo can be a means to articulate the company's values and vision to the wider community.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Meylina, Muhammad Nuruzzaman, Aghnia Dian Lestari STRATEGI EMPLOYEE BRANDING PULLMAN CIAWI VIMALA HILLS MELALUI KAMPANYE #DIVERSITYFORALL 2024-05-31T18:13:39+00:00 Aldi Rinaldi Selfie Miftahul Jannah <p>This research aims to investigate and analyze the Employee Branding strategy that Pullman Ciawi Vimala Hills implemented through the #DiversityforALL campaign. Employee Branding has become increasingly crucial in today's business world as it directly impacts a company's image and ability to attract high-quality prospective employees. In this context, the #DiversityforALL campaign was chosen as the research focus to explore how Pullman Ciawi Vimala Hills specifically leverages the concept of diversity as a core value in building and strengthening the brand image of their employees. The research methodology involves content analysis of the campaign, in-depth interviews with the HR management of Pullman Ciawi Vimala Hills, and surveys involving employee participation. The analysis results indicate that the Employee Branding strategy implemented through the #DiversityforALL campaign has created an inclusive and appealing corporate image for potential employees.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aldi Rinaldi, Selfie Miftahul Jannah THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL MONEY TURNOVER VELOCITY ON THE INDONESIAN ECONOMY 2024-06-08T00:10:54+00:00 Mohammad Abdul Mukhyi <p>This study investigates the impact of digital money turnover velocity on the Indonesian economy, focusing on economic growth, inflation dynamics, employment, and financial inclusion. The primary objective is to understand how the rapid circulation of digital money influences key economic indicators and contributes to poverty reduction. Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, this study conducts a comprehensive literature review and employs a meta-analysis of existing empirical studies to synthesize findings related to digital money and economic performance. The analysis reveals that an increase in the velocity of digital money significantly enhances economic growth by improving transaction efficiency and stimulating consumption. However, it also presents potential challenges, such as contributing to inflationary pressures if not managed properly. The study also examines the labor market, highlighting that digital money facilitates job creation in fintech and digital services sectors while promoting financial inclusion by providing access to financial services for previously underserved populations. Furthermore, the findings underscore the critical role of financial literacy in maximizing the benefits of digital money. Enhanced financial literacy ensures that individuals can effectively manage and utilize digital financial services, leading to better financial outcomes and economic empowerment. The research suggests that policy interventions aimed at promoting digital financial services, coupled with comprehensive financial literacy programs, can significantly contribute to economic development and poverty reduction in Indonesia.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Abdul Mukhyi SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN KETUA RT 10 DESA SUKAJAYA RW 15 DENGAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) 2024-06-01T07:50:58+00:00 Sulistiawan Sulistiawan Gesit Solihin Farhana Fitria Reni Widyastuti <p>The selection of the Head of RT in Sukajaya Village RW 15 is a crucial process in the development of the local community. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the Decision Support System (DSS) based on the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in the selection of the Head of RT. The focus of the research is on the role of DSS in improving the transparency, objectivity, and efficiency of the selection process, as well as its impact on community participation and community development. The research method involves direct observation, interviews, and literature review. The results show that the use of SAW in DSS can improve the objectivity and efficiency of the selection process of the Head of RT, and positively impact community participation in village development. This study contributes to the development of a more modern and transparent leadership selection system at the local level.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sulistiawan, Gesit Solihin, Farhana Fitria, Reni Widyastuti EXPLORING THE EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY ON SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH: A QUALITATIVE LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-06-14T16:39:09+00:00 Ramli Hatma <p>This qualitative literature review investigates the effects of financial technology (fintech) on the growth of small businesses, aiming to synthesize existing research and identify key themes and insights. The study examines how various fintech innovations, such as mobile payments, digital lending, and online banking, influence the operational efficiency, financial accessibility, and overall growth trajectory of small enterprises. The review also highlights the role of mobile payment systems in streamlining transactions, reducing costs, and improving cash flow management for small businesses. These systems enable businesses to accept a wider range of payment methods, cater to a broader customer base, and increase sales. Moreover, the adoption of online banking and digital financial management tools is found to enhance operational efficiency by simplifying financial processes, facilitating better financial planning, and providing real-time financial insights. Despite the numerous benefits, the study identifies challenges such as digital literacy, cybersecurity risks, and regulatory compliance as significant barriers to the full adoption of fintech by small businesses. The literature emphasizes the need for supportive policies, education, and technological infrastructure to overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of fintech for small enterprises. In conclusion, fintech has a profound impact on the growth and sustainability of small businesses by improving financial accessibility, operational efficiency, and competitive positioning. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to evaluate the long-term impacts of fintech adoption and explore the effectiveness of policy interventions aimed at supporting small business integration into the digital financial ecosystem.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ramli Hatma